Purpose: Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are a
significant global health challenge, contributing to 50% of
worldwide morbidity and 63% of mortality. The burden is
particularly substantial in low—and middle-income
countries (LMICs), where 80% of NCD-related deaths
occur. This study evaluated barriers and challenges to
effective screening and linkages of NCDs in Nyeri
Methodology: A quasi-experimental non-equivalent preand post-test design was conducted from May 2022 to
March 2023. The study employed multistage cluster and
random sampling to select ten community units, resulting
in 150 community health volunteers (CHVs) in the control
unit and 150 in the intervention group. Data collection was
facilitated through the KOBO app. Quantitative data was
analyzed using SPSS version 28.0, and qualitative data
was audio-recorded, transcribed, and analyzed via N-Vivo
12 and findings were presented in textual descriptions and
thematic analysis that included direct quotes from
participants, descriptions of observed behaviors, and
interpretations of patterns and themes.
Findings: The study shows that 59.3% of respondents
have minimal information, and 92.7 % (n =139) have no
clear understanding of NCDs, with a pre-intervention
capacity of 48.8%. Independent sample t-test showed a
significant difference in capacity from a pre-intervention
average of 48.75 (SD±5.7) %, which increased to 68.28
(SD±7.6) %, p<0.001.