Road traffic accidents (RTA) are rapidly growing posing a public health problem since it
is projected to become the third leading cause of morbidity and mortality by the year
2020 (WHO, 2013). There is inadequacy of public health infrastructure in providing
treatment for road traffic injured patients in developing countries. Kenyatta National
Hospital (KNH) receives the bulk of Road traffic accident patients due to its public
status and proximity to major highways and has a 21 bed general Critical Care Unit
(CCU). Despite prevention measures, RTAs have increased sharply placing a heavy toll
on KNH. It is likely that CCU services are overstretched. The aim of this study was to
determine adequacy of critical care services and health outcomes of RTA patients
managed at KNH. A retrospective cohort study was adopted. Qualitative data was
collected through in-depth interviews with CCU managers. Quantitative data was
collected through a desktop review of patients’ files, admission and discharge record
book using a data collection sheet. The study was carried out in the Critical care unit at
KNH on RTA patients admitted to the CCU in 2013. Quantitative data was analyzed
using SPSS version 21 and Chi square tests, while qualitative data was analyzed using
thematic analysis. Descriptive statistics, pie charts and bar graphs were used to present
data. Head Injuries accounted for up to 97.5% of all RTA patients in CCU. The number
of males was significantly higher (78.9%) compared to female,
0.05, 1, = 23.7, P
<0.005. The mean age of the RTA patients was 30 years. Age below 40 years was
significantly associated with GCS below 8 on admission, P< 0.01. Majority of the
patients (49.3%) had primary school level of education while 36.6% had secondary
school level of education. Those who were self-employed accounted for 40.8% of the
total patients while 38% were unemployed. Most patients (69%) were referred from
other hospitals which was significantly associated with GCS below 8 (p<0.05). The
average waiting time to CCU admission was 80.2 minutes. The mean CCU stay was 18
days. Mortality rate among the RTA patients was 36.6%. Complications recorded among
the patients included Sepsis (35.2%), electrolyte imbalances (35.2 %) and anemia
(22.5%). The overall CCU services included CT scans (95.8%), X-Rays, Blood work up,
Physiotherapy, Surgery, Nursing, Nutritional and Medical. The most common
consultations were Neurosurgical (57.7%) and Orthopedic (31%). Challenges of caring
for RTA patients included; Shortages of equipment like beds, suction machines, infusion
pumps, patient feeds and drugs. Lack of team work, low staff to patient ratios, long stay
patients and inability to pay for services were reported. The mean cost of CCU
management was Ksh .450, 195.67. Road traffic injuries remain a huge burden in CCU’s
in Kenya due to high morbidity, high cost of management and mortality. More resource
allocation to referral and county CCU’s, team work, decentralization of CCU’s and
enhanced evacuation can improve the outcomes of the patients.